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Vendor: Roll-Line

Roll-Line – Lower Click Action Cups – 4pk


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Roll-Line Lower Suspension (Cushion) “Click-Action” Cups or also called “Click Caps” (Set of 4)

Roll-Line Lower Suspension (Cushion) “Click-Action” Cups or also called “Click Caps” are engineered to be light-weight and withstand the use and abuse of high level competitive Skating.

Roll-Line Upper Cushion Cups are the Suspension (Cushion) Cups that are closest to the Skating Surface. They are the same for ALL Roll-Line “Click-Action” Skate Frames.

The inner Circumference of the “Click Cap” has 3 concentric tabs that lock into the King Pin and keeps the “Click Cap” from spinning, thus allowing the “Click Nut” to adjust the tension desired on the Suspensions (Cushions).

Very rarely as a result of trying to over tighten a Suspension (Cushion) that is too soft (for the specific type of Skating) the “Click Cap” can beak loose and spins or is trying to rotate with the “Click Nut” This is a result of the three (3) tabs breaking off of the “Click Cap”. They need to be replaced to once again have the Click-Action Adjustment available.

The Lower suspension Click Action cups can be used on the following Roll Line plates:

Mariner Cup
Energy Steel
Energy Titanium
Matrix Steel
Matrix Titanium
Killer Steel
Killer Titanium

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